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air drop

美 [er drɑːp]英 [eə(r) drɒp]
  • 空投
  • n.空投

复数: air drops 过去式: air dropped 现在分词: air dropping 过去分词: air dropped 第三人称单数: air drops

air dropair drop

air drop


  • 1
    N-COUNT 空投;伞降
    An air drop is a delivery of supplies by aircraft to an area that is hard to get to. The supplies are dropped from the aircraft on parachutes.

  • 2
    VERB 空投;伞降
    If a country or organization air drops supplies to a place, it drops supplies there from aircraft.

    Meanwhile, United Nations plans to start air dropping food to rural villages are being held up.


  1. The longitudinal dynamic analysis of y 8 airplane in continuous air drop


  2. They is request air drop of foodstuffs to the flooded area .


  3. Several cushion systems for air drop of heavy equipment and the cushion designed with platform were introduced .


  4. Characteristics of air pressure drop between flat parallel plates


  5. A Mathematical model on the performance of heat transfer and air pressure drop for automobile radiators is established . A simulation model is also developed in MATLAB / SIMULINK environment .


  6. Frost of finned-tube evaporator will increase air pressure drop and heat transfer resistance . It affects the efficiency of the evaporator and the average heat transfer coefficient of air part .


  7. The results indicate that the formation and developing of frost are rapid in high humidity district . The evaporating temperature and the air pressure drop are the important parameters to the choice of the reasonable defrosting cycle .


  8. Over the next two hours , the air would drop to below-zero temperatures . 4,5 Assuming for a moment that you survived the oxygen deprivation , at some point you 'd succumb to hypothermia .


  9. The results show that these formulae are able to predict accurately not only the pressure drop caused by both bends and straight sections of pipe at different locations , but also the total pipeline air pressure drop in pipelines of different length , diameter , bend number and step .


  10. By simulating the real operating condition of reactor , the CRDM air flow pressure drop in cooling channel , allowed minimun air cooling speed and the relationship between heat ejection and air cooling speed are determined .


  11. Based on approximately transforming boundary condition and applying a model of semi-infinity body , the calculation formulas of surface temperature of mass concrete during air temperature sudden drop and linear cold wave are derived and a method of surface protection design is suggested .


  12. Environmental authorities recently said Beijing 's air quality won 't drop to healthy levels until 2030 .


  13. The Southern-Northern Dynasty air temperature started to drop .


  14. A kind of computational method for the spiral water flow in the air core region of drop shaft was discussed and applied and the results agree the experimental data well .


  15. Dust system part can calculate the air consumption , pressure drop , diameter of duct , filter area , when input enter parameters of inlet cross-sectional area , inlet velocity , duct design speed , length and the filter velocity to the system .


  16. Acting very much like their movie counterparts , the Xenomorphs will hide in shadows , burst from air vents , and drop from ceilings , doing what they can to get the jump on you .


  17. And in the selection of the feeder and the air compressor , the rated pressure value , air leakage , pressure drop , flow control etc. are the factors to be depend upon for determination .


  18. The premise sounds simple enough : dry air absorbs moisture , and in doing so causes the air 's temperature to drop .


  19. It is verified that the application of electrostatic precipitator in tobacco air conditioning system can increase the dust collection efficiency and decrease the air pressure drop , and with the advantage of self-cleaning .


  20. With the instrument developed successfully , a balancing experiment on a Air - blower is conducted . It made the vibration of the air - blower drop from 10.0mm/s to 0.8 mm / s.
